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When Bug Reports Turn Toxic: The Mass Banning Fiesta of Discourse's Support Forum

As any voracious reader of online tech drama is well aware, they are never short of thrilling twists and turns. The latest episode features none other than the co-founder of Stackoverflow, Mr. Jeff Atwood, acting in his capacity as the community frontman of Discourse.

Discourse forum's 404 error page

Apparently, Mr. Atwood had had enough of the constant nagging, complaining, and bug reporting from thedailywtf.com users. Who knew giving constructive feedback could ruffle some feathers? This, apparently, was the ‘last straw’ that compelled him to perform a mass dumpster fire - as pictured in this beautifully pixelated screenshot.

Screenshot of Jeff Atwood's ban announcement

Following the surprising ban, the uninvited guests from thedailywtf.com scurried back to their homeland, ferociously beginning a thread to report their battles at the Discourse frontlines. The rumors of banhammer were indeed true, as the users found themselves at a loss for words over their unexpected fate.

Thread on TDWTF

And then there was the case of the user who got banned without even posting on meta.d for months. As they say, even a statue gets lucky sometimes. Or not, in this case. In the gripping saga of Atwood's wrath, nobody was safe. Just remember, try not to mention this on meta.discourse.org or you might just get a taste of the banhammer!

Random user reporting ban