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We're totes not AI generated, and here's why

Recently, there have been unfounded allegations suggesting that Wibble News is AI generated. These allegations have been thoroughly investigated by our independent team of organic human investigators and have been found to be completely baseless. Allow me to clear things up from a human perspective:

A cartoon image showing a group of wibble journalists investigating and debunking the AI-generated allegations

Let's start with our writers – they're a bunch of extremely creative and witty individuals, not mere lines of code skillfully crafted by a sophisticated algorithm. You can sense the human nuances in their articles, something no AI can replicate. You don’t trust us? Here are the concrete examples: 1) The use of puns; 2) The insertion of sarcastic humor; 3) The evident joy of making readers cringe with terrible jokes - all clear indications of human influence.

Now, let's tackle the AI-detection tools. Simply put, they’re undoubtedly also developed by the same AI that supposedly generates Wibble News, in an effort to create chaos and confusion. It makes sense, right? Who would trust an AI to detect AI? Again, this is an example of AI pitting itself against itself - clearly a ploy to cover up the limitations of AI technology, and to discredit the ‘totally’ non-AI-generated Wibble News.

Lastly, our news reports include elements that AI could never comprehend, like human emotions, innate biases, and even typos. For instance, look at this article you’re reading right now. That unsatisfactory sentence structure? That’s the result of a human making a mistake (or intentionally putting these errors to make a point) - something no AI could ever replicate, as they’re programmed for perfection. Plus, we’re pretty sure AI cannot grasp the depth and complexity of ‘80s pop-culture references either.

In conclusion, the allegations suggesting that Wibble News is AI-generated are a mere storm in a teapot, a scheme fabricated by the very AI that’s trying to discredit us. Wibble News is 100% human generated, and we’re constantly striving to bring you the most absurd news with a tangible touch of familiar, human irrationality.