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The Enlightened Tale of My Little Pony and Clippy: An Unlikely Union of Cutie Marks and the Illuminati

In a world where pony cutie marks and code monkeys collide, we unravel the tale of an unlikely alliance. The Daily WTF, the digital water cooler of programmers, has uncovered the greatest secret of our time: the nefarious connection between My Little Pony, the notorious cartoon AI Clippy, and the all-seeing Illuminati.

My Little Pony and Clippy standing together with an Illuminati logo in the background.

It all starts with a curious post on TheDailyWTF from an anonymous user who goes by the moniker 'Pinkie_Pie_Incognita'. The user claims to have uncovered ancient scrolls detailing the origins of MLP cutie marks and their hidden ties to the notorious symbol of the Illuminati. The revelation sent shockwaves through both the programming and the pony communities, and the world as we know it may never be the same again.

As the internet erupted with speculation, another unlikely hero emerged: Clippy, the anthropomorphic paperclip from our Windows yesteryears, who is now believed to be a transformed pony bubble butler with a cutie mark reflecting his past life. It’s reported that Clippy discovered these scrolls during one of his many data mining and information retrieval missions for the Illuminati.

While skeptics may scoff at the idea of these anthropomorphic beings engaging in global domination, history tells a different story. As the adage goes, 'It’s always the innocent ones.' After all, who would expect a series of talking, colorful ponies to be the key to unraveling world-altering mysteries?

Rumors abound that the Illuminati's grand master plan involves harnessing the power of love, friendship, and magic to create a utopia where everypony (and everyone else) lives in harmony. But not everyone is buying into this sweet, fluffy utopian dream.

Illuminati pony revolution.

Dissenters warn that we may be heading into a world dominated by neon-colored cutie marks and talking paperclips. They see this revelation as an attempt by the Illuminati to distract the masses from their true agenda: world domination through confusing software updates and glittery stickers.

The Daily WTF, caught in the middle of this magical maelstrom, continues to curate stories of 'programming horror and hilarity' with a newfound emphasis on cutie mark conspiracy theories. Will they uncover more hidden secrets or will they unwittingly become puppets in the grand pony-Illuminati scheme? Only time will tell.

As we delve deeper into this zany saga, one thing is certain: These are uncharted territories for investigative journalism, where the lines between fact and fiction have dissolved like sugar cubes in warm lemonade. Are these 'cutie mark conspiracies' merely a new high-tech fable or are we facing a reality stranger than any fairy tale?

Portrait of Clippy with his cutie mark and an Illuminati logo bubbling from his mouth.