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Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak Eaten By Mythical Grue in Quirky VR Mishap

In a startling revelation that has left Silicon Valley in shock, it appears that Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, was recently devoured by a grue - a creature whose existence was previously only confirmed in text-based computer games. For those who missed the joke, 'grues' are imaginary monsters native to the classic game 'Zork'.

A cartoon rendering of Steve Wozniak looking startled, with a grue lurking ominously behind him.

The tragedy unfolded when Wozniak, in an attempt to truly understand the terror that Zork players of the past experienced upon encountering a grue, delved into advanced Virtual Reality technology. His project, 'Woz & Grue: VR Nightmares', aimed to bring classic text-based computer games to life. Little did the tech world realize what 'bringing to life' would mean for poor Woz.

A grue from the Zork series, looking menacingly at the viewer.

Just as he called out the famous last words 'It is pitch dark', Wozniak put on his VR headset and was immediately consumed by a shape-shifting grue. While his demise might leave some laughing - it's almost too absurd not to - it serves as a chilling reminder of the power and potential peril of immersive technology.

Wozniak's last photo, snapped just before 'entering' the game.

Tech developers around the world are said to be petrified, worried about what this means for the future of immersive technology. However, in true tech optimism, some hope that this quirky event might inspire the sleeping giant Apple to rediscover its innovative spirit post-Woz. After all, who else but Steve Wozniak could manage to get eaten by a piece of code?

Apple logo with a dark, grue-shaped shadow.